Containerized objects


Containerized objects are usualy used as :

  • offices
  • schools
  • kindergardens
  • living areas
  • recreation areas
  • hospitals
  • restaurants

Containerized objects are best example of flexibility in using the container modules.
The walls could be insulated either with mineral wool or with PU panels. Insulation thickness depends on climate conditions.
Melamine chipboard or flat steel sheet are used as inner wall cladding of containers.
For containers and objects of higher quality demands inner walls can be executed with gypsum boards. When requsted the objects could be equipped with heating/cooling/ventilation system. All preparation works are done in factory. Due to that, completition time is shorter.
Such environment creates pleasent working and accommodation area with excellent thermal insulation properties.
4-story containerized object consisiting of 620 containers is biggest object delivered so far.

School in München, Germany

School and Kindergarten Martinišće, Croatia

Kindergarten Đurđice in Rijeka, Croatia

Kindergarten in Rijeka, Croatia

School in Frechen, Germany

Kindergarten in Wolfsburg, Germany

School in Fürstenriderstrasse, Munich, Germany

Implerstrasse, Munich, Germany

Karawanke, Austria

Krehlebogen, Germany

School in Petrarcastrasse, Munich, Germany

Kindergarten in Munich, Germany

Modular buildings in Munich, Germany

Modular building St Augustin, Germany

Modular buildings in Rodgau  und Seligenstadt, Germany

Kindergarten in Karlsfeld, Germany

School in Munich, Germany, 175 pcs modular units

School in Lauf, Germany

Office building in Dachau, Germany

School Ismaning, Germany

Modular building for asylees

Shopping Box Park

Containerized object – 6 kindergarten in Dresden, 420 pcs container

Containerized object – Kindergarten KITA Bremen consists of 28 pcs container

Apostelgymnasium in Köln – containerized object consists of 26 pcs container; mensa with kitchen and dining room, lounge/classrooms

Containerized object – corridor between the hospital building

Modular building – Olympiapark Munich, Germany

Modular building for police Academy , Dachau, Germany

Containerized object – school, Nürnberg, Germany

Containerized object – Philosophikum/Universität zu Köln consists of 225 container units for student lecture rooms, library, offices. Total surfaces area is approximately 3.000 sqm.

Containerized object – “Lebenshilfe” Freising, Germany

Containerized object consists of 223 containers; kindergarten, primary and specialized school. Facility for children with special needs.

Containerized object – school Dorfen, Germany

Modular building faculty B.A. Krčelić, Zaprešić

Civil engineering camp Bechtel

Modular building- office

Modular building for research station on Antarctica

Containerized object

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Container modules designed for student rooms